Body By Nathalie
  • Set up mini challenges like going to the gym for 30 minutes twice a week for a month.
  • Set up a challenge with a measurable target. You should focus on fun exercises, and/or activities. When you achieve that, hit yourself with another mini challenge by adding a day. These micro-changes will lead to macro-changes.
  • Rather than just relying on joining a gym to fulfill your exercise routine, put your ideal workout schedule on your calendar and treat it like you would important meetings.
  • According to a study, just four months of exercise is as good as prescription meds at boosting mood and reducing depression.
  • Do not beat yourself up if you do not notice results right away. Keep telling yourself that not every day will be a winner and that you will win at weight loss or at other target you choose. Skipping a training session or eating a chocolate bar does not mean failure. Your next sweat / training session or meal is another opportunity to keep shooting at your target!
  • Write down your fitness target and post it on your refrigerator or/and bathroom mirror where you can see it often. Once a month offer yourself a reward – flowers, new work out gear, a nice balanced lunch, a makeup accessory, a great body lotion, or a movie. Just make sure that it is something just for you, for your Celebration. Even if you invite a family member or friend keep the focus on You!